Set YOUR Potential Free

Launching our new site

2nd June we launched our new website and we are very pleased with the look and feel of it, please let us know what you think!   After several months of chatting with various designers we decided to work with Graham Phillips at Ice Media and his associate Matt Bennett at Blue Flame Design. It… Continue Reading

QEDLearning – New Online Learning Portal

So here we are – launch day has arrived and we are very proud to announce that our Online Learning Portal – QEDLearning ( is now live. As well as providing an enhanced version of our popular ILM Level 5 Coaching and Mentoring Online Knowledge Module, previously validated by the Institute for Leadership and Management,… Continue Reading

QED to launch New Dedicated Online Learning Portal later this month!

We decided it was time to develop our own Online Learning Portal to give our customers a more up-to-date and improved service. QEDLearning will be launched later this month and is designed to help both our individual and business customers to achieve their goals for development in a cost-effective and flexible way. E-Learning Our first… Continue Reading

Quality Education & Development Ltd
2 Meadows
West Sussex
+44 (0) 800 0938 419
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