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Who is it for?
The Level 7 vocational qualifications are designed for senior managers and leaders seeking to develop themselves as leaders and managers, who recognise they must satisfy various stakeholders and who want to invest in their own personal brand.
They are looking to make the best use of resources, understand the need to innovate and optimise performance. They may also have to present arguments for change, construct business cases, lead change implementation and evaluate the impact of that change.
What do the ILM Level 7 Qualifications Cover?
The Level 7 Award, Certificate and Diploma have set units which provide the structure for each qualification. The units cover senior and strategic management knowledge, research and application.
- Level 7 Award 1 mandatory unit
- Level 7 Certificate 1 mandatory unit
- Level 7 Diploma 3 mandatory units
Award Unit – Developing strategic leadership and management capability
Certificate Unit – Developing leadership & management capability through enquiry
Diploma – Certificate Unit plus two further units -Developing a high-level business case and Developing and maintaining a high-performing culture and optimising resources
Course Delivery
We offer a combination of routes which include a fully taught model of workshops and blended learning models with a combination of workshops, e-learning and webinars.
Typically, the level 7 Award programme would include 3-4 one-day workshops, Certificate and Diploma significantly more depending on units selected.
All learners have an ILM Qualification Induction, receive a course textbook with other materials and receive regular tutorials and support.
Assessment Activities
Requirements for each unit are laid down in the ILM guidance, primarily the units are assessed by the learner producing written assignments which may be supported by workplace evidence.
ILM Qualification Costs
Costs start from £2475 + Vat per head for the Award inclusive of ILM fees and all programme components.
Discounts available for group bookings of 10+ learners.
Payment options are available by agreement.
In-House Option
QED would be pleased to talk to any organisations about providing a programme that fits your specific requirements, schedule and goals.
Progression to other ILM Qualifications
After completing this qualification, you may wish to progress onto the level 5 or 7 Qualifications in Coaching & Mentoring which we offer.
Want to find out more?
Contact us to enquire or arrange for us to call you to discuss options
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