Coaching through uncertainty – that is the priority now!

How do you keep yourself, your staff, your team feeling OK in a time of great uncertainty?

Back in March, we all adapted to a ‘lockdown’ life; we made the changes asked of us, we changed our working practices, we worked from home, we shopped less or online, we waved at people rather than shaking hands or hugging them – life shifted fast and so did we!

Now we are in the grey zone between lockdown and normality! It seems some aspects of life are returning to the old normal…. you can go and buy a car, you can grab some plants from a garden centre but it’s not normal is it? The fears are still there, the media reports are confusing, some say that all will be well by August, that we can holiday in Spain but then we hear reports of second spikes and higher death rates – what to do to help people to stay OK at this time?

I am drawn to talk about the popular model known as Circles of Control or Circles of Influence and to the KISS (Keep it simple and short) acronym for these tips;

  1. If you or your team members are strugglingintroduce the Diagram Circles of Control, simply drawing two circles on a page. Then help them think about what they can control and what they can’t, then move to focus on what they can. It’s amazing how putting all that external stuff, like media hype, into another circle can do to lift the spirits and sharpen the focus. This is an excellent tool for a coaching conversation where the coach (or manager) is asking the person to work through their own issues. \"Circles
  2. Goal setting/objective setting are challenging in times of change but all the more important people need to get some wins, to have something to feel positive about. When you talk to your people as a leader/coach help them identify one small simple area to focus on for that day or week so they can feel good when they have achieved it and motivated to continue.
  3. Plan A, Plan B, Plan Cwhen there is no clarity multiple ideas, plans or actions might be the way to go, one of them will probably be right in the end. In coaching staff, helping them look at all the potential options and possibilities builds belief in a future.
  4. Growth, Mindset, Conceptthis is another useful model for any coach or leader, use it to talk through with your staff, some people are naturally more growth mindset orientated, but others might find this kind of visual helpful and as the coach, you can use your skilful listening and questioning to help them explore how to move towards growth. \"\"
  5. Screen exhaustion – a new condition, many of us are suffering from help your people by coaching them through their approach to scheduling screen time, it’s basic time management ideas really, but people need to find ways to develop strong boundaries to manage their energy and focus.
  6. Finally, don’t forget yourself everyone can benefit from a coaching conversation, look to your support system to help you navigate your own relationship with the uncertainty until things become clearer!

QED offers Intro to Coaching as an online programme, plus blended learning courses for ILM level 3, 5 and 7 in coaching & Executive Coaching.

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