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Completing ILM Coaching Qualifications Despite a Busy Schedule

Completing ILM Coaching Qualifications Despite a Busy Schedule

Fitting an ILM coaching qualification into a busy schedule requires careful planning and dedication. People sometimes underestimate what is required. Alongside attending training, accessing E-learning, reading and tutorials, ILM learners are required to undertake a number of coaching hours (this varies depending on the level) and document their journey.  Here are some steps you can… Continue Reading

Getting Feedback on your Coaching

Getting Feedback on your Coaching

Getting Feedback on your Coaching – It’s all part of the Job! Coping with feedback as a coach can be challenging, but it’s an essential skill for personal and professional growth. Here are some strategies to help you handle any negative feedback effectively. Stay Calm and Reflect: Take a deep breath and remain calm when… Continue Reading

Coaching Membership Bodies: Why Join? 

Coaching Membership Bodies: Why Join? 

Having successfully embarked on your coaching qualification, you are probably now thinking about joining a membership organisation. But why bother? If you need help weighing up your options, this post could be useful to you. We will review the benefits of becoming part of a coaching community and signpost you to a discount code if… Continue Reading

Group Supervision for Coaches

Group Supervision for Coaches

Why should Coaches engage in Group supervision? Group Supervision for coaches can offer several benefits. Here are some key advantages: Diverse Perspectives: Group supervision provides coaches with the opportunity to interact and learn from other professionals in the field. The diverse perspectives and experiences within the group can offer fresh insights, alternative approaches, and different… Continue Reading

How to stay in Peak Performance as an Executive Coach

How to stay in Peak Performance as an Executive Coach

Staying at peak performance as an executive coach requires a combination of maintaining personal well-being, continually developing your skills and knowledge, and effectively managing your coaching practice. Here are some tips to help you achieve and sustain peak performance: Self-Care and Well-being: As an executive coach, your own well-being is crucial because it directly impacts… Continue Reading

Why Develop a Coaching Culture?

Why Develop a Coaching Culture?

Developing a coaching culture within an organisation can have numerous benefits, contributing to the growth, productivity, and overall success of the company. Here are some key reasons why organisations should consider fostering a coaching culture: Employee Development: A coaching culture encourages continuous learning and development. It empowers employees to improve their skills, knowledge, and abilities,… Continue Reading

ILM Coaching & Mentoring Programmes for Spring 2021

ILM Coaching & Mentoring Programmes for Spring 2021

This Spring we will be offering a combined programme for ILM Level 5 and Level 7 Coaching and Mentoring ILM LEVEL 5 Certificate/ Diploma in Effective Coaching ILM Level 7 Certificate/ Diploma for Executive and Senior level Coaches/Mentors Are you looking to get qualified as an executive coach or mentor or management coach or mentor?… Continue Reading

Coaching Skills for Leaders in the Workplace – Book Launch!

I was delighted when my long term coaching colleague, Jackie Arnold, asked me if I would write a case study for her new book “Coaching Skills for Leaders in the Workplace” How to motivate and get the best from your staff. We have worked together for many years and the book is closely linked to… Continue Reading

Feedback from our most recent ILM programmes

This year has been very positive for QED’s ILM programmes. In July we completed the taught components for two large groups of at Kent County Council for the Level 5 Certificate in Coaching & Mentoring in Management. Kent Council has been a regular client for QED since 2004 however these two groups have been unique… Continue Reading

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