1st September was the date when ILM released their revised qualifications. These include Managment and Leadership up to and including level 5 as well as all the coaching and mentoring qualifications, up to level 7.

The remaining Management and Leadership levels 6 and 7, will be released September 2013 according to ILM

So what\’s new about these and how are they better?

Simpler titles

More choice of Units and improved progression pathways

More flexibility and pick and mix approach to suit all employers

Reduced credit values in many qualifications so they are shorter

Improved assessment nd marking

Overall we are excited about the chnages that ILM have made and hope our customers will be too! We have revised our delivery and Elearning programmes so fit the new qualifications

Want to know more? Go to our contact page and get in touch

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2 Meadows, Hassocks, West Sussex, BN6 8EH

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