Top Ten Tips for Coaching Your People Through Covid- 19



  1. Recognise that this is a Change Process and apply the strategies you have used successfully to manage change in the past
  2. It is useful to look at the ‘Change Curve’ based on the work of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross on Death and Dying – recognise that people are a various stages of grief (Denial, Anger, Avoidance etc) and take time to move to ‘Acceptance’
  3. Acknowledge that each one of your team may need a different approach or style of support from you
  4. Key to successful Change Management has always been communication – so connect, talk, Skype, Zoom, email as much as you can to ensure people feel supported, informed, engaged and important
  5. Motivation is a fluid thing – in times of uncertainty people’s motivation will vary so respond
  6. Listen, listen and listen some more, we are dealing with change, fear, chaos and loss, people will need to talk and be heard
  7. Manage your own stress levels – if you need to work differently to support your own well-being do so. Remember – put on your own ‘mask’ on first before you help others with theirs!
  8. Stay adaptable, this situation is not static and we will move slowly out of the Lockdown phase over time, constantly take time out to reflect on what you are doing and how it’s working, if it needs to change again then change it
  9. Keep a simple record or journal on what is happening in your workplace; not just those diary events like Zoom meetings, but how people are feeling, look at what innovations have occurred etc. In time you’ll look back on this and be able to take the learning into what will be a very different future for us all
  10. Congratulate yourself, your people and even your customers on what they are doing to navigate the times. Take time out when you need it, we have all been given some extra space to breathe, use it well.

If you\’d like an Introduction to Coaching at Work for yourself or your team then we have a new online course for you. This course has been designed to give you a complete foundation of knowledge about using Coaching at Work. Coaching is a critical skill and, in uncertain times, it offers a powerful approach to supporting and managing people. Full information HERE

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