I am excited… yes really I am, why? Well at last we have the new assessor and verifier qualifications firmly on the horizon. It’s been a long time… I think it’s nearly 10 years since these were updated and most L & D professionals will admit that we have never been entirely happy with Unit V1 so this is long overdue!

I had a letter this week inviting me to a briefing session at City and Guilds in early September and I can’t wait to get my hands on the full information and get started with the new qualifications with candidates. Of course there has been some information out on the internet on the LLUK website since February but now it seems real and time to roll up my sleeves! Time to get to work………

Firstly in all the new assessing and quality insurance (verification) qualifications we will now have a single Unit devoted to knowledge and nothing but knowledge. All that vital information about the principles and practice of good quality assessment and verification will be contained in these knowledge units, this will be a step the in the right direction and I’m already part way through writing online learning for these units so our candidates can get on with that as soon as we can register them.

The other units reflect the different roles much better… there’s assessing for those who work with candidates who perform in the working environment, assessing for those who work with candidates assessing their vocational skills and knowledge through assignments etc in a non work environment and of course a combination for those who do both. We have a similar split in verification qualifications too, one for those who are operational verifiers, another those lead a team of verifiers and those who work externally are also catered for. The new qualifications have been designed to work with all the changes coming with the QCF too…. more on that in later post.

So watch this space as we’ll let you know as soon as we can start registering candidates which we think will be October or get your name down ahead of time by emailing

PS. Don’t forget if you still want to do A1 or V1 you can register until the end of the year and complete them during 2011.

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