We have started offering the new suite of \’TAQA\’ Qualifications for Assessors and Quality Assurers and we are ready to take more learners into the programmes.
We are providing the TAQA qualifications in a unique way by utilising our E Learning Portal www.qedlearning.co.uk! This helps the learners to save a lot of time, no traveling or sitting in workshops, we are delivering the learning via the desktop, providing support online and by telephone and using E Portfolios via the Smart Assessor System.
Next month we are adding a virtual classroom which means that we will also be able to observe assessments online for some of our office based assessors! All very exciting and of course cost-effective for our customers in time and money.
Want to know about TAQA (Training, Assessor and Quality Assurer qualifications) Then please email for our fact sheet mail@qedcoaching.co.uk